Tree things to make your OSX terminal typos smart for git, ls and asciiquarium

Usually when I'm working on something I write my shell commands really fast, which is why I make mistakes while writing. The most common error is, of course, writing command letters in the wrong order e.g. sl instead of ls or gti instead of git. I'll show you some tools to make these mistakes funny.

gti instead of git

Let's install gti with brew:
Now if you type gti, you will get a GTI car driving through your terminal:

sl instead of ls

You can install sl with brew as well:
Here, a GTI car is replaced by a train:

Asciiquarium in terminal

The last thing I want to show you is how to fill your terminal with water and put fish, ducks, whales and sharks there. Install asciiquarium dependencies:

Finally you can install asciiquarium: Type asciiquarium to get the following result: