How to set up proxy for Maven ?

When I started using Apache Maven in my company I realized that, because of proxy settings, I couldn't download dependencies from the Internet. Dependencies are really powerful features of Maven, so it would be unreasonable not to use them. I found a solution to set up proxy so that Maven requests could go out my company's network.

I had to perform a few steps in order to set up proxy for Maven:
  1. I had to find Apache Maven settings.xml file.
  2. I had to modify my proxy settings.

1. Localize Apache Maven settings.xml file

 You have two settings.xml files:
  • Global settings file localized under $M2_HOME/conf/settings.xml. $M2_HOME is Apache Maven installation directory.
  • User settings file under ${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml. ${user.home} is user home directory and it depends on the operating system you are using:
    • ~/.m2/settings.xml on Unix systems (Mac OS X, Linux etc.).
    • C:\Users\your-username\.m2 on Windows.
Additional information:
  • User settings overwrite global settings,
  • settings.xml under ${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml may not exist. If it does not exist you need to create it (copy global settings to ${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml).
  • If you don't know where your Maven installation on Unix systems is (because M2_HOME variable is not set), you could execute mvn -version. It will return information about your Maven installation. settings.xml is located under conf directory under Maven home.

2. Set up Apache Maven proxy in settings.xml

I modified user settings.xml:
  1. Open ${user.home}/.m2/settings.xml
  2. Find proxies node inside this file.
  3. Set your proxy settings in proxy node:

When settings are changed, you shouldn't have any further problems with downloading dependencies from the Internet.

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